While the Chaplain is in South Carolina the Chaplain's Wife and children are staying with family in Texas... from the far north of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the far south of west Texas... it seems like we have stepped out of a wintery wonderland into a tropical heat. We are enjoying the sun, birds and southern hospitality. Walks are easier, as the land is flat, as log as we stay hydrated.
I do miss my husband, he is able to talk to me daily, but I still miss his sweet face, his touch and the normalcy of home life. I am thankful to God that my family is so welcoming and hospitable.
I also have a prayer request, my husbands car is in the shop. We are waiting for pay, and still unsure of the amount. He had to purchase uniforms and "incidentals"... so our finances are up in the air. God so knows. He knows our every single need. I continue to remind myself of that, but as human as I am- I regress. God's provisions always are abundant and so timely.
I don't have wifi here, and am trying to get into a routine for blogging and uploading pictures of our trip to the south... looking for a place that has some zooming internet! Starbucks? hmmmm
Digital Project Life | October 2022
10 months ago